Friday, November 6, 2009


Its a free democracy, if you want to inject yourself with drugs, binge drink , torture your body, even commit suicide, you can not do so. Even if it doesn't infringe or offend someone else, our laws are here to keep and establish order in our neighbor, family and places of mass gatherings. Complain all you want about the laws after all you didn't have any part nor interest in deciding nor drafting them. Instead of being a part of the solution, we dramatize the problem, thanks to the reporters for distorting the truth. I don't blame media nor technology, I blame the reporter and the man behind the story. Authority figures were put in place to keep order and protect, even though that authority may have some seeing in a utilitarian way. You need a chief among a crowd of barbarians. The wonderful thing about America is just when you think no one cares about you, Big Brother taps you on the shoulder in the form of the laws, police officer, DEA agent, IRS, child protective services, welfare, financial aide, FEMA, Social Security, Medicaid, to let you know, they do care.
Some feel they do more than their duty by paying taxes, praying for the sinner, doing volunteer, giving to Goodwill, attending council meetings, but we all know the EGO that lurks from within that doesn't do something without expecting acknowledgement or rewards for our efforts. Let our efforts go unappreciated, and we will be quick to withdraw all remorse and show you how unworthy you are.
Perhaps that is why the Minute Men whom feel it necessary to exercise their right to bear arms and monitor the borders, feel it is their duty to take the law into their own hands. Their intentions are sincere but so are those trying to cross the border. Through out history, all great societies have gone to war to preserve their resources and clout. We rise as a great nation, but we fall humble just like the third world when the shortage of our energy supply threatens us, just as those less educated, less civilized threaten our existence by infiltrating our schools, jobs, and neighborhoods. To understand one another, we have to abandon the comfort zone of our own ideology's, something not easy. I love America and everything it stands for; when you accept something you take the good, the bad, and the ugly.

See for me, as a minority, I always thought it was a white mans world. I will play my role as second class citizen, just as those before me, do the best and hope for a better future for those after me.
Reality check. I am afraid to have children in this type of world and just as the civil activist that marched before my time in hopes of a better future for their children, my time for change is now. But change is a gradual process and you don't move mountains in days nor months, maybe not even years.
If I choose to label myself as different, automatically bringing objectivity into a situation then I am going to encounter just that. That you and I are different, we may have a common agreement or not, but what really matters is what I got from the interaction with you. I'm lucky to get any interaction considering the high alert of suspicion, just talking to strangers might be an invitation to danger, but it could also be the start of a beautiful relationship.

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