Friday, June 13, 2008

Reppin 305

Selena Serrano @ http://www.selenaserrano.ccom/ has got me "Waiting" on her mainstream debut. After hearing her featured on DJ Freddy Fred's Mixtape 305 Till ! Die found at The Puerto Rican songstress has a genuine sound after viewing her interview with 305tv, courtesy of, she's got a new fan with WhoUFeelin.

I wish Selena the best of success and shout outs to Team Pitbull for putting this talent out on my radar.

Because I lust after this ambitious, high energy, sophisticated and street Latino, Pitbull, I am partial to want to hear anything he is a part of, so when I heard he was partnering up with DJ FreddyFred and Baby Bash to tour the House of Blues with Sucker Free Latino TR3,MTV3; I was excited to get the behind the scenes scope. Observing from a far, Pitbull aka Armando Perez is a very hard working artist, teaming up with accomplished and Underground to build an empire for those that have yet to fill a seat at the table. Team Pitbull appreciates the fans and does its best to provide the entertainment you pay for. Guarded about his next move nothing is uncertain for this Capricorn, Pitbull. He leads by example, a man with a vision surrounding himself with skilled DJs from DJ Ideal, DJ Buddha and now DJ Freddy Fred.

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